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Ah yes, typical female behavior who isn't miss queen center of attention, by everybody immediately get jelly of MC growing popularity, but why so cold towards her "what happened". I was gone for a week so I probably missed a couple of episodes.

s00mebody • 2 years ago

The actual backstory of Mu Qinyu you see later makes this behaviour absolutely normal. As much as she is hated in the beginning when you read the story you can't help but feel sorry for her and even feel like "hey, ffs she was punished enough now". It is as far as possible from typical once you see everything

Aerlis Ambrosius • 2 years ago

I have not read the story but from what I have seen so far, her actions are more or less what you might expect from a crafty female protagonist, just trying to get ahead in life. Using her charm to get some resources is pretty normal for most females anyway. The problem with her character was how she kept trying to set up the mc and conspiring to take him down.

s00mebody • 2 years ago

Hmmm, so far yes, but not really. In every other martial arts there is a rule "strong eat weak", here rule is "strong cheat and abuse weak" in extreme comical way and MC being the strongest is the prime example. It is one of most original stories, everything is different than what you would expect. Gods, divine realm, devil realm... everything you see, you can't help but laugh when you see originality

MQ is a really sorry ordinary person whose life is equal to having dumped the smelliest shit on her all the way from the birth through all the life not to mention countless abuses from all sides. Her actions are not trying to get ahead, but to defy the shitty destiny. When you read the novel and look from normal perspective, MQ is actually one of the most normal and brave positive characters. It would take extremely strong person to not lose hope.

Hmm, you will understand the world if I spoil one of countless jokes.

Emperor (after MC saves the situation and hears MCs reward request) "I don't have that much money, but I could offer you the hand of one of my daughters"
MC "How many of them are there and how many I can chose?"
(took all 8)

100 or so chapters later conversation with a friend
Friend "I saw princesses on the hill alone and they told me not only you haven't married them, you didn't even see them once after you took them"
MC "How could that be, when I took them I explained freedom of love and now I am waiting for them to find it, so I can collect the dowries"

Basically, everyone is pretty much greedy scum.

Aerlis Ambrosius • 2 years ago

lol I see what you mean. I think there is also another component to this though and that is the culture of where these come from. Example: my ex is Chinese from Taiwan. Over the years we had lots of Chinese friends. i began to be able to easily spot the difference between Chinese people from Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong (pre-take over), overseas Chinese ...vs...Chinese from Communist China. The difference is not in language or racial features but in culture. Specifically, if one is a lying, cheating, stealing, scumbag sort of person...I know where they are from. Not to say that couldn't happen outside of Communist China but its just that is what Communism tends to produce. You sort of need to be that way to get ahead or even survive. While there are lots of excuses for this I still find it repugnant. I suppose a lot of that carries over into fiction.

s00mebody • 2 years ago

In the novel scumbags are at least funny, irl... not so much, lol

Still, as a person from former communist country I strongly disagree. Only when country changed regime did all the cheating/lying really start 10x harsher and everyone became opportunistic without regards of the way they play. As soon as regime went relaxed there were no borders on scumbagging anymore

Also, I would mention that biggest lie in the world is common for whole planet... history. It is always written by winners and they are always good guys while others are rebels and offenders. Not to even mention obvious lies like reasons for start of the wars... Like who would believe the reason for Iraq if only knows that war was initiated as soon as they started planning different oil route and primary exchange monetary value. History is pretty much "Scumbag enciclopedia"

Or the fact that mass publicity changes peoples opinion no matter if news are a lie or truth. If one has enough money they can simply spam publicity and change the truth.

Or you can see commercials... have you ever seen one where they said "our product is good, but it doesn't work well at... or as good as...". It is always described as the best product

All I can say is... scumbags are everywhere ;) There is also a joke... steal an apple and you're thief, steal a wallet and you're robber, steal millions... you're politician. And here is a question... which of the 3 is most respected in public?

s00mebody • 2 years ago

Sigh, it seems shamelessnes rating of this animation dropped to PG-8 from original PG-18 in novel and it could really use improvement of facial expressions (even novel presents facial expressions of ppl in all occasions). Every single scene which is brain-dead abnormal is cut out and those are the makers of the character in the novel (brain-dead greedy stingy motherfucker without care in the world). Way to ruin one of the best MC in the martial arts novels. Still, there is a ton of presentable hilarious moments and I guess it only impacts people like me who read the novel.

So many funniest events are not displayed and yet they still find time to animate every single onlooker conversation.